Woody Simmons Old Master Visit; Augusta Old-Time Week 1991; 07/15/1991

A C85

Artists: Woody Simmons with Gerry Milnes (guitar and int.)

Album/Event: Old Master Visit during Augusta Festival’s Vocal Week


  1. Walking in My Sleep
  2. Billy in the Low-Ground
  3. Molly Put the Kettle On
  4. Bonaparte’s Retreat
  5. Arkansas Traveler
  6. Cotton Baggin’
  7. Kiss Me Waltz
  8. Slide Them Jugs Down The Mountain
  9. Natural Bridge Blues
  10. Dance Around Molly
  11. Dusty Hornpipe
  12. Forked Deer
  13. Faded Love
  14. Soldier’s Joy
  15. Liberty

Collected/Recorded by:

Date: 07/15/1991


The Augusta Programming Collection contains recordings of events produced by the Augusta Heritage Center, beginning in the early 1970s. A number of people contributed to this collection, including Flawn Williams, Gerry Milnes, and Bob Smakula. The collection features recordings of Augusta concerts, cultural sessions, Master Artist visits, and more, which showcase a variety of musical and cultural traditions.

Categories: Augusta Programming
Tags: #GerryMilnes, #OldMasterVisit, #OldTime, #WoodySimmons

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