Blues Fiddle with B.E. Farrow

Fiddle | B.E. Farrow | Intermediate/Advanced | Period 3 | Week 3 (July 20-25, 2025)

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About the Instructor 

B.E. Farrow is a musician, educator, songwriter, and independent researcher who has a focus in reshaping and reflecting American’s musical history through sharing stories, creative musical expression through popular/historic musical structures, and inclusive dialog.

From touring with Grammy award winner Dom Flemons to, giving talks at the Library Company of Philadelphia, and running a music program in Greece with the refugees, Mr. Farrow forms a discipline in understanding the unspoken roots of music and exploring the impact of expression on cultural history.

You can hear Farrow as a member of the Clara Barton Sessions, a recording of DC folk/traditional musicians who released an album commemorating the revitalization of the Clara Barton Museum, Elena y Los Fulanos’ Volcàn, R&B Soul artist Dante Pope’s After 5 Music, and on Dom Flemon’s Grammy nominated album Black Cowboys under Smithsonian’s Folkways label.

You can find Farrow in a library, playing his fiddle at a busy intersection, the occasional solo show or presentation, or touring with Gangstagrass.

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