Michael Kline; House Concert; 8/16/1980

A ACS 5.65

Artist: Michael Kline

Album/Event: House Concert

Tracks: Poor Moonshiner, Remember Me, Tennessee Waltz, Aragon Mill, On My Mind?, Heavenly Home for Me?, The L&N Don’t Stop Here Anymore, Paradise, others;

Collected/Recorded by: Michael Kline

Date: 8/16/1980


Notes: tape 2 of 2; Stories, Hammons family

The Kline Collection contains audio recordings made and collected by the Augusta Heritage Center’s former Folklife Specialist, Michael Kline. With a PhD in Public Folklore from Boston University, Kline conducted folklore research throughout the state and produced a wide array of public programming. Covering Old Time music traditions, local history, and more, Kline’s collection contains fieldwork and programming he produced during his tenure at Augusta from 1980-88.

Categories: Michael Kline Collection
Tags: #concert, #Folkmusic

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