Various artists; Augusta Concert; 8/10/1993

A C1367

Artist: MC Bill Wellington, Ben Hawker, Tracy Schwarz, John Roberts, Jeanette Carter; Jeanette Carter, Kay Justice and Ginny Hawker and Tracy Schwarz

Album/Event: Augusta Concert

Tracks: Gracious Lord Take My Hand, Down Derry Down, Locks and Bolts, Old Armchair?, Old Cottage Home, Bury Me Beneath The Willow, Bouquet Dandelions, others; Meet Me in the Moonlight, By the Touch of Her Hand, A New False Heart, Calling Down?, Drunkard’s Dream, Stolen Soul

Collected/Recorded by:

Date: 8/10/1993

Location: Elkins, WV


The Augusta Programming Collection contains recordings of events produced by the Augusta Heritage Center, beginning in the early 1970s. A number of people contributed to this collection, including Flawn Williams, Gerry Milnes and Bob Smakula. The collection features recordings of Augusta concerts, cultural sessions, Master Artist visits, and more, which showcase a variety of musical and cultural traditions.

Categories: Augusta Programming
Tags: #AugustaConcert, #Vocal

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