Various artists; British Songs and Singing Styles Class; 1/1984

A C123

Album/Event: British Songs and Singing Styles Class

Artists and Tracks: Walter Podeem- The Maid of Australia, Harry Cox- The B’ham Man, Sam Harner- Napoleon’s Dream, Phil Sammes- Patreon the Clerk (1949), Fred Gordon- John Parley Corn, Joseph Taylor- William Taylor, Sue Heaney- The Green Winnet, Paddy Tenney- Captain Carlson, Bob Roberts- The Candlelight Fisherman, Coppers- Shepards of the Dorm, Cynie Poeher- Bloomfield Wages;

Ceilia Costello- The Houer’s Ghost, Frieda Palmer- Andrew Conmie, Mary Bradley- Up in the North, Piercey Hing- The Blackbird, Bob Score- I’ll Come Back My Wife Sweetheart, Jimmy Bright- A Boy’s Best Friend is his Mother, Charlie Wills- Cord Aeery, Bert Dragot- I Lost My Arm, Stan Walters- The Kangaroo, Leo Haycoe-Baeenemonth Pier, Kiels Songs

Collected/Recorded by: John Roberts

Date: 1/1984

Location: Elkins, WV


The Augusta Programming Collection contains recordings of events produced by the Augusta Heritage Center, beginning in the early 1970s. A number of people contributed to this collection, including Flawn Williams, Gerry Milnes and Bob Smakula. The collection features recordings of Augusta concerts, cultural sessions, Master Artist visits, and more, which showcase a variety of musical and cultural traditions.

Categories: Augusta Programming
Tags: #Vocal

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