Penny Anderson | Morning Warmups | Open to All | Week 2 (Before Period 1)

Morning warmups are a gentle way to get your body and spirit prepared for a day of singing. Some physical stretching, some singing, and a touch of good-humored play will set you on the right path!

Instructor Bio

Penny Anderson is a life-long singer of both choral music and traditional folksong. Those two interests dovetailed perfectly when she was introduced to the shape-note singing revival in the 1980s. In 2011 her shape-note-influenced choral composition “Cat Jeoffry” had its world premiere at Augusta’s Vocal Week. Penny is classically trained in music theory, voice, and piano, but not enough to ruin her singing. She has a repertoire of several hundred traditional folk songs from the American, British Isles, and French traditions. In the last decade she has written dozens of original songs and a number of choral pieces. Penny’s musical obsessions at the moment are organizing the Pittsburgh monthly shape-note sing, teaching choral singing at her local community center, singing a grab-bag of music from many eras as part of the trio Monongahela Harmony, composing choral pieces as well as solo songs, and learning to play the concertina. She would rather sing, preferably with a group, than do anything else.

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