Vocal Week One-Shots with Various Instructors

Voice | Various Instructors | All Levels | Period 4 | Week 2 (July 13-18, 2025)

Each day at 4 p.m., Vocal and Bluegrass Week instructors will offer a variety of one-hour workshops (One-Shots) that any Augusta students can take. Each workshop is just offered one time during the week. These are a great way to meet instructors you haven’t worked with in your weeklong classes and also to try new genres and skills!

Here are some examples of One-Shots that will be offered in 2025:

Ad Hoc Harmonies with Flawn Williams: In this session we’ll run the harmony gamut from Gregorian chant to doo-wop to beatboxing and more. We’ll do a singing game or two, improvise and sustain a group structure, then allow it to morph into something completely different. We may wallow in rich drawn-out harmonies or get silly with some nonsense songs as well. Like a lot of good singing, this will be more fun to be doing than to be in the audience. Come prepared to participate!

Korovai with Nadia Tarnawsky: Korovai is Ukrainian wedding bread. Ukrainian singer Nadia Tarnawsky will take us through the rituals around making korovai and teach us some of the songs typically sung while making the bread.

Song Journeys with Sara Grey: Travel with balladeer Sara Grey as she traces the journeys that several old songs and ballads have made as they’ve crossed the ocean and found their way into different regions of North America. Along the way, you’ll explore how the different cultures throughout the States and Canada have affected the songs. And, Sara tells us, you’ll travel this road singing!

Singing on The Grateful Dead with Jefferson Hamer: We’ll sing through a batch of Grateful Dead classics, pausing to give special attention to harmony singing.

Bal Folk with Bob Walser: What fills 10 dance floors from dusk to dawn at a French festival each summer? Bal Folk! Powered by his squeezebox, Bob will offer an hour of dances from a scene rooted in traditional French dance that’s sweeping Europe. It’s a repertoire that stretches from driving to contemplative, mesmerizing to goofy. No partner or experience needed, all dances taught!

Who Are You? with Angie Richardson: Along with her considerable skills as a gospel singer, Angie Richardson is a former workplace trainer and training developer. In this one shot her aim is to help participants recognize and realize their individual gifts and talents – musical or otherwise – and, she says, “build confidence for life’s journey.”

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