October Old-Time Retreat

Augusta’s October Old-Time Retreat is returning to Cass, WV. October 25-29, 2023.

Fiddle, banjo, guitar, dulcimer, vocals and multi-instrument classes offered at the intermediate and advanced levels.

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Oct 25 - 29 2023


All Day

7 thoughts on “October Old-Time Retreat”

  1. I know you are up to your ears in the summer program, but here’s a thought for when planning starts for October: There seemed to be a shortage of spaces to jam away from the big crowd that assembled in the main hall. Would it be possible to designate 2-3 of the closest houses as “jam houses” and make that a housing choice: “yes, I’d stay in a house that might have late-night music in the living room” (It’d be like camping next to a jam at Clifftop, eh?) Wouldn’t have to commit to jamming in your own house; just be willing to room where there might be music. And the house would have to be unlocked; if that’s a concern maybe lock them up at midnight, 1 a.m? If nobody is interested in the option, then just don’t do it.

    Have a great summer. October weekend is on my calendar!

  2. I agree with your idea! Last year, we often preferred a smaller and/or different jam and had to invite folks back to our house….but giving directions was not easy. Having a couple other jam sites would be great. Could we use the “dining hall” next door, or some other Cass owned building ( preferably not the store bldg )?

  3. To me, it is super important to have a staff-led jam as an option each evening. This is what makes this different from a festival and increases the opportunity for learning. Staff jam leaders can insure that tunes are accessible and fun for all, which is sometimes not the case in participant lead jams. This may not be for everyone, but it is definitely what I want when I pay to go to a camp.

  4. What are the dates for October Old Time Retreat? On this page they’re shown as Oct. 25-29. During Country Week last July I was told by Augusta staffers that the dates would be Oct. 11-15.
    This is a great event and we’d hate to miss it but we can’t make our plans without knowing which dates are correct.
    Neil & Ellen

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