Exploration of Fiber Arts: Knitwear design, spinning, and a dye pot on the side with Emolyn Liden

Craft | Emolyn Liden | All Levels | All Day | Week 1 (July 7-12, 2024)

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced crafter, this class is perfect for anyone interested in expanding their skills and knowledge in the world of fiber arts. Beginning knitters and more experienced knitters are all welcome. We will work on getting going on the needles with multiple cast-ons, how to create textured patterns, “read your knitting” and create some of your own knitting patterns.  We will start from the basics and each student is welcome to go at their own pace. Emolyn will share the tips and tricks she’s learned and guide you through stitch samples, scarves, a hat, and concepts of knitwear design. We will also work to understand the steps for creating yarn. Get your hands on spinning wheels and specialty tools for carding, playing with color and fiber blends. A dye pot will be brewing as we dye wool with roots, flowers, and even bugs to get vibrant colors.

Class will include ample time for discussions of many topics, including sheep and wool, raw wool preparation, washing raw wool, hand carding and spinning equipment, and the all-important question, on what part of the wheel did Sleeping Beauty prick her finger?

Bring your own wheel in working order or borrow a wheel. Please let us know if you plan to bring your own wheel.

There will be a $40 materials fee added to your total when you register for this class.

About the Instructor

Emolyn Liden is an artist, musician, and dancer. She grew up in Brasstown, North Carolina and discovered her love of craft at a young age observing the artists in her community. She learned from her mother about raising sheep, natural fiber, and to knit which led her to spinning and natural dyeing. Through her business, The Roving Knitter, she designs knitwear inspired by texture and color, teaches people of all ages to knit, and displays her work at craft shows and exhibits. Emolyn is a graduate of the professional craft program in jewelry at Haywood Community College. She is interested in the cross-section of fiber and metalsmithing, how to create a softness in something structured like metal, and how to create sculptural art with knitting techniques. Emolyn is a community-minded teaching artist who blends her passion of music, dance, and craft to empower others to discover confidence, creativity, connection and understanding. She has danced with the Cane Creek Cloggers of Chapel Hill; the Green Grass Cloggers of Asheville; Cape Breton step-dancing team, The Twisty Cuffs; and has been a dance instructor for kids in public school and at camps around the country. She regularly performs Appalachian old-time music and teaches at Warren Wilson College in Asheville, North Carolina.

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